2016-3-3 · ●IATE(Inter-Active Terminology for Europe) is the EU's inter- institutional terminology database. ● Administered by the EU Translation Centre


2021-2-24 · The monolingual sub-corpora are complemented by a thematically related parallel corpus (Croatian-English). The metadata and the annotations are uniformly provided for each language specific sub-corpus. Besides the standard morphosyntactic analysis plus named entity and dependency annotation, the corpus is enriched with the IATE and EUROVOC labels.

allmän - core.ac.uk  sl. javni red. sv. allmän ordning. EUROVOC tezaurus (v4.2) lv. sabiedriskā kārtība. nl.

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(AP) — Authorities say a Northern California inmate broke out of jail by climbing up a ventilation duct  med andra termbanker (IATE, EuroTermBank), integrering med andra Thesaurus ULCC, EUROVOC thesaurus, Cambridge. Scientific  aéroport (fr)[Thème]. flygplats; landningsplats[ClasseHyper.] flygplats↕. DICTIONNAIRE INTEGRAL (fr)[Thème]. Descripteurs EUROVOC (fr)[Thème]. flygplats (n  https://schema.org/Airline. egenskaper för denna objekttyp.

Translations in context of "IATE" in english-swedish. sites(Eur‑lex, Pre‑lex, SCADPlus, Eurovoc and IATE), to European legal institutions and to the various 

Search Please enter at least With over 8 million terms covering the 24 official languages of the EU, IATE is the largest terminology database in the world today: in 2016, its public version received 36 million queries and its internal version (accessible only to EU staff) received 18 million queries. Consult IATE on any device – smartphone, tablet or desktop. Using the latest technology, the new version of IATE retrieves data from other EU tools (EU legislation repository, EuroVoc domain classification, etc.).

IATA har skapat en databas som innehåller information om situationen i medlemsländerna. eurovoc. Visa algoritmiskt genererade översättningar 

Recapitulation of presentations on TBX, IATE, EuroVoc and CAT Wordfast and OmegaT  IATE. Paula Zorrilla Agut - Terminology Group. Translation Centre for the IATE = “Inter Active Terminology for Europe” Domain (EUROVOC classification).

Translations in context of "IATE" in english-swedish.
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Lai piekļūtu Eiropas Savienības institūciju terminoloģijas datubāzei IATE, EuroVoc datubāzei un Microsoft terminu datubāzei, aicinām tās apmeklēt tīmekļa vietnēs: IATE – https://iate.europa.eu

Link to download IATE.TBX. Link to the Public IATE page.
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IATE – institutsioonidevaheline terminibaas Eesmärk: ühiselt hallatava interaktiivse terminibaasi loomine IATE partnerid: Euroopa Parlament, nõukogu, komisjon, kohus, kontrollikoda, majandus- ja sotsiaalkomitee, regioonidekomitee, Euroopa Investeerimispank, Euroopa Keskpank, tõlkekeskus Andmebaasi hakati arendama 2000. aasta jaanuaris.

Euronews Linking IATE, EUROVOC, Euramis (1/2): we will analyze the structure and content of the three resources, see how they could be exploited to perform an automatic mapping to BabelNet by also seeing some preliminary mapping examples. Roberto Navigli: 14:45-15:15: Break: 15:15-16:30: Session 8 Link to download IATE.TBX. Link to the Public IATE page.

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EuroVoc. EU:s flerspråkiga tesaurus. IATE. EU's ordlista Inter Active Terminology of Europe - är EU:s 24-språkiga ordbok. Många facktermer och en del definitioner.

Inter-Active Terminology for Europe (IATE) è la banca dati terminologica interistituzionale dell'Unione europea, realizzata con l'obiettivo di offrire una banca dati interattiva unica per la consultazione, creazione e gestione dei dati terminologici, prima gestiti in modo separato dai diversi servizi di traduzione degli organismi europei. FAO website and FAOTERM, the UNBIS Thesaurus, EuroVoc and Inter-Active Terminology for Europe (IATE).

2021-2-12 · Technical workshop on BabelNet, the largest multilingual encyclopedic dictionary and semantic network. The BabelNet Workshop takes place over two days: the first day is a technical guided tour of BabelNet; the second day of the workshop will be dedicated to presentations providing three Case Studies to show how to make EU resources more effective by linking them to BabelNet.

The terms are submited by translators from European institutions and then verified by the linguistic department’s terminologists. EuroVoc: a multilingual, multidisciplinary 2013-1-21 · It’s bound to be fairly arbitrary, and as Tim Cooper freely admitted (having described Eurovoc’s domains as “nonsensical”), in IATE’s case, there are too many errors even in clear-cut cases (he cited land transport terms being categorised under air transport or vice versa). Link to download IATE.TBX. Link to the Public IATE page.

Många facktermer och en del definitioner. 4.3. Annotation with IATE terms and EUROVOC descriptors In order to tackle the identification of IATE terms (for Ro-manian, IATE terminology consists of about 55,000 terms) and EUROVOC descriptors, we developed a linear time, approximate-string-matching algorithm that combines sev-eral string-matching techniques and language specific prop- It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Seminar am SDI München: Terminologierecherche jenseits von IATE oder EuroVoc 2013-10-10 Terminologie , Veranstaltungen Neben den bekannten und beschränkten Angeboten IATE und EUROVOC gibt es Dutzende Netzquellen in Europa mit verlässlichen und weitergehenden Paralleltexten.